ARC Review: Cryptids, Creatures & Critters: A Manual of Monsters & Mythos from Around the World by Rachel Quinney

Cryptids, Creatures & Critters features 90 different creatures from all around the world. Each creature’s page includes the sighting location, cute artwork of the creature, 1-2 pages of the lore behind the creature, and for some, content warnings. This book contains cryptids, and creatures from folklore and mythology. This was an easy to read creature … More ARC Review: Cryptids, Creatures & Critters: A Manual of Monsters & Mythos from Around the World by Rachel Quinney

ARC Review: Ancient Egypt: A Photographic History by Nigel Fletcher-Jones

5 stars for the photographs3 stars for the text  The majority of people are probably going to pick up this book for the photographs within it, not for the text but it isn’t strictly just photos so the text also needs to be reviewed. The photographs within were beautiful and really were what drew me … More ARC Review: Ancient Egypt: A Photographic History by Nigel Fletcher-Jones

ARC Review: A Grave Robbery by Deanna Raybourn

Veronica and Stoker’s newest mystery involves a wax figure purchased by Lord Rosemorran for his daughter. He requests Stoker to incorporate a clockwork mechanism to give the Rosemorran Collection its own Sleeping Beauty in the style of Madame Tussaud’s, but Stoker quickly discovers that this is no wax figure but a beautifully preserved body of … More ARC Review: A Grave Robbery by Deanna Raybourn

ARC Review: BLOOD BLADE Vol. 1 by Oma Sei

This was a fascinating retelling of Dracula, but it also had Frankenstein and The Mummy as well.  Count Vlad Dracula has been reborn as a katana-wielding young vampiress named Vladislaus Draculesti and has been living in her castle with her shapeshifting servant Nan waiting for the next battle. When she rescues a girl named Clara … More ARC Review: BLOOD BLADE Vol. 1 by Oma Sei

ARC Review: The Hero She Needs by Anna Hackett

Gemma Newhouse can’t remember the last twenty-four hours but she knows she was kidnapped by someone dangerous and she needs to survive. After falling into the river she finds herself being rescued by loner Boone Hendrix and his dog Atlas. While they try to figure out who is after her they can’t ignore their growing … More ARC Review: The Hero She Needs by Anna Hackett

ARC Review: Stings and Stones by Jennifer Estep

This is a collection of short stories that take place throughout the Elemental Assassin series. If you have not read the series, or have not finished the series, then you will most likely be confused at times because some of these stories do relate to the main storyline. I have included when these stories take … More ARC Review: Stings and Stones by Jennifer Estep

ARC Review: Spirits, Seers and Séances: Victorian Spiritualism, Magic and the Supernatural by Steele Alexandra Douris

This book was a wonderful look at Victorian spiritualism, magic, and the supernatural. Douris explores the history of spiritualism, séances, automatic writing, cartomancy, spirit photography, and many other things. Douris also provides information on the history of supernaturals, superstitions, magic, and Halloween and Christmas celebrations. Not only is this book filled with a wonderful look … More ARC Review: Spirits, Seers and Séances: Victorian Spiritualism, Magic and the Supernatural by Steele Alexandra Douris

ARC Review: Knighthunter by Anna Hackett

Knightmaster Nea Laurier and Knighthunter Kaden Galath have been sent to find and rescue the Knightqueen Carys and her Knightguard Stein from the Gek’Dragar. Nea is determined to complete this mission even if it means working with Knighthunter Galath who she has hated since school, but she quickly realizes that Kaden never hated her.  Like … More ARC Review: Knighthunter by Anna Hackett