2024 Reading Challenges Check In

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Can you believe we are already halfway through the year! This year is going by very fast and not all of it has been great, but I have got a lot of reading done. While I have not done this in previous years, this year I decided to do a check in post about where I am at with the reading challenges I am participating in. I am using StoryGraph to track most of these challenges. Here are the ones I am currently participated in and those that I have finished.

Time Limit Challenges:

Year long challenges:

Graphicsathon 29 in 29 Challenge

This challenge took place during the month of February and the goal was try to read 29 graphics (graphic novels, manga, etc.). I came very close to reading one a day with 26 graphics read. If you want to see my recap of that challenge the post is here.

Also Graphicsathon usually takes place a couple times a year, so follow the creators or join the Discord if you want to participate next time.

#SpringIntoLoveBingo Challenge

This bingo challenge was one I found on Instagram initially, but here is the blog post about it. I will admit that I got busy during these months and forgot about this challenge a little but I was able to complete some of the board.

Spring Into Love Bingo board

#JIAM Audiobook Mini-Challenge

This challenge is taking place during the month of June so it is still in progress. Here is my post about it and my plans. I can say, it has not gone how I expected it to go but I will do a wrap up post next month once the challenge is over.

2024 Popsugar Reading Challenge

Progress on the 2024 popsugar reading challenge by the month of June.

The Popsugar Reading Challenge has 50 prompts and I have currently completed 25 prompts. This is a challenge that I don’t usually try very hard on but I am always curious how much I can complete with my normal reading choices.

2024 Beat the Backlist Reading Challenge

The Beat the Backlist challenge is a challenge to tackle your TBR and the main rule is that it has to be a book must be published in the previous year or earlier.

I have completed 30 out of 52 prompts in this challenge so far. It has been a great way to focus on my TBR and not new books.

Progress on the bingo board for the 2024 Beat the Backlist Challenge

2024 Audiobook Challenge

This challenge is basically read as many audiobooks as you can and since I have been in an audiobook mood this year, it was a perfect choice for me. I have currently read 67 audiobooks, which puts me in the Marathoner (Look Ma No Hands) category of 50+ audiobooks. I probably will hit over 100 this year at this rate.

A to Z Alphabet Challenge

This is a straightforward challenge, basically read one book per letter of the alphabet. I saw this posted by quite a few people on Instagram and just decided to make a StoryGraph challenge of it for myself. I have completed 23 out of 26 prompts, with Q, X, and Y being the only ones left, which are the hardest.

Are you participating in any of these challenges? If so, how are they going for you?

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