ARC Review: Ancient Egypt: A Photographic History by Nigel Fletcher-Jones

5 stars for the photographs3 stars for the text  The majority of people are probably going to pick up this book for the photographs within it, not for the text but it isn’t strictly just photos so the text also needs to be reviewed. The photographs within were beautiful and really were what drew me … More ARC Review: Ancient Egypt: A Photographic History by Nigel Fletcher-Jones

Review: Dinosaur Sanctuary Vol. 4 by Itaru Kinoshita

This volume picks up right where the previous volume ended with Blue World. We learn more about the story of why Blue World doesn’t provide more information about the creatures within its walls to its guests and we learn the story of how they got Sophia, their main attraction. I liked that we got to … More Review: Dinosaur Sanctuary Vol. 4 by Itaru Kinoshita

Review: Tutankhamun and the Tomb That Changed the World by Bob Brier

This was an in depth look at Tutankhamun and how the discovery of his tomb changed the world. This book is broken into three parts that break down the different parts of Tut’s discovery and legacy: history of the tomb, Tut finally revealed, and Tut’s legacy. This starts by giving us the history of Howard … More Review: Tutankhamun and the Tomb That Changed the World by Bob Brier